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Stanmore Station Site

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Plans for affordable homes at Stanmore Station now submitted

Catalyst, in partnership with Transport for London, submitted plans on 1 April 2020 to build 277 affordable homes at Stanmore Station car park while retaining two-thirds of the commuter car parking and providing improved step-free access to Stanmore Station.

Illustrative CGI view of Buildings C & D along the new street looking north towards London Road

However, we understand that in the current crisis people have had the health of themselves, their family and friends at the forefront of their minds, rather than development proposals. As a result, we agreed with the Council to pause consideration of this application until there was greater clarity on the relaxation of social distancing measures.

The formal statutory consultation by Harrow Council will now begin today and run for an extended six-week period. Details about how to have your say will be publicised by the Council. You can view the full application and make comments online on the Harrow Planning Portal (Ref: P/1221/20) .

Providing 100% affordable, car-free housing on this well-connected site will help encourage more journeys in London to be on foot, by bicycle or by public transport, and help relieve the strain on Harrow’s social housing waiting list, which currently has 1,200 families on it. We hope you will be able to support this important application.

TfL and Catalyst remain committed to staying in touch with the local community while Harrow Council considers this application whilst of course following the guidelines around social distancing.

Regular updates will be posted on . A summary of the proposals has been posted alongside key application documents and a question and answer function.

Please let us know of any questions you may have on the ‘ Our Proposals ’ page, by email to or phone 020 3633 7915 .

Posted on 8th June 2020

by Tom Dewey

Last chance to let us know your views

Thank you to all those who have responded to our online surveys and attended public events, there has been significant interest in the proposals for 100% affordable housing at Stanmore station car park.

A planning application will be submitted to Harrow Council shortly, so we will be closing the site to new comments on Friday 21 February so that these can be included in the application. We will post details about the final scheme, our response to your comments, and how you can take part in the formal consultation on the scheme run by the Council in due course.

Posted on 18th February 2020

by Tom Dewey

Second day of public exhibition - see how plans have developed for Stanmore Station car park

Thanks to all those who came to see us on Thursday evening to see our plans for at Stanmore Station car park.

Catalyst, in partnership with Transport for London, is proposing to redevelop the car park to provide around 280 new affordable homes for London Affordable Rent and shared ownership, while retaining two-thirds of the commuter car parking. Step-free access and a new commuter cycling hub are included in the development.

We are holding a drop-in exhibition for local residents and businesses where you can see how plans have developed since our first event in July, meet the project team and let us know your thoughts.

The second day will be tomorrow (Saturday 16 November) from 10am to 12pm at: Aylward Primary School, Pangbourne Drive, Stanmore, HA7 4RE .

Hope to see you there.

Posted on 15th November 2019

by Tom Dewey

Drop-in exhibition on our updated plans

Catalyst, in partnership with Transport for London, invite you to a public exhibition on our updated plans for new homes at Stanmore Station car park. We are proposing to build 100% affordable housing on this site, to help meet Harrow’s housing need, while retaining two-thirds of commuter car park spaces.

We are holding a drop-in exhibition for local residents and businesses where you can see how plans have developed since our first event in July, meet the project team and let us know your thoughts.

The event will be held at the same venue as the first events: Aylward Primary School, Pangbourne Drive, Stanmore, HA7 4RE on:

  • Wednesday 13 November 5pm-8pm
  • Saturday 16 November 10am-2pm
  • The information from the events will be posted on the website ( ) by the time of the exhibition alongside a survey for your feedback. The previous round has now been closed to new comments. These have been passed onto the design team as they have come in. We will be responding to individual comments over the next week or so.

    Thank you for all your feedback to date and we hope to see you at the events.

    Posted on 30th October 2019

    by Tom Dewey

    Feedback from consultation events

    Thank you to those of you who attended the consultation events for the Stanmore Station car park site. The consultation process is still open, and we invite you to continue offering your feedback on the proposals through this website.

    We are glad to see a considerable amount of support for the much-needed step-free access that we are looking to provide at Stanmore Station as a priority for our development.

    We are also pleased to see that a significant number of consultees supporting the introduction of secure cycle parking along with new cycling and walking routes. This development provides an opportunity to encourage a shift towards more sustainable transport, part of TfL’s broader goal to increase the number of people walking, cycling and taking public transport.

    We will also take into account your comments regarding car parking and transport. We understand the need for a certain number of commuter car parking, and we will therefore be retaining some parking spaces for station users.

    There will be further discussions with the London Borough of Harrow throughout the design development process about local amenities and services. There will be a legal agreement associated with each application and appropriate contributions will be sought.

    We want to redevelop Stanmore Station car park to provide 280 new 100% affordable homes on public land, in locations with excellent transport link that are much needed due to London’s housing crisis.

    Please share this post by clicking on social media buttons below.

    Posted on 7th August 2019

    by Harrow Station Sites